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Smoking and Oral Health

When we talk about the impacts of smoking on health, people first think of lung cancer, chronic bronchitis and other diseases, but in fact smoking is closely related to oral health.

How does tobacco affect oral health?

~ Causes teeth staining and yellowing
~ Causes bad breath
~ Weakens sense of taste
~ Increases saliva acidity and reduces saliva flow, increasing the risk of tooth decay
~ Reduces bacteria immunity, increasing the risk of periodontitis
~ Reduces healing ability after dental surgeries such as tooth extraction or gum surgery
~ Lowers success rate of periodontal disease treatment and dental implant surgery
~ Increases the risk of oral cancer and the chance of precancerous lesions

Teeth Staining

he nicotine, tar and other substances in tobacco will turn brown and yellow when they come into contact with oxygen. Firmly adhere to teeth surface, they are difficult to be brushed away. Over time, the teeth will gradually become brown or even black.

Bad Breath

The ingredients of tobacco will stay in the mouth for a long time, resulting in bad breath. In addition, smoking can cause periodontal disease, tooth decay and other problems. Bacteria will multiply in the mouth and worsen the bad breath problem

Why does smoking increase the risks of periodontal disease?

The ingredients in tobacco (such as nicotine and tar) can cause serious gum damages. Smoking makes it easier for the teeth to accumulate tartar and tar. The accumulation of tartar will inflame the gum and gradually develop into periodontal disease. Studies have shown that the risk of having periodontal disease in smokers is two to three times that of non-smokers 1. Smoking also reduces oxygen supply in the blood to the gum and surrounding bone, which weakens the smokers’ immunity to bacteria in tartar and the healing ability of oral tissues, increasing the risk of serious gum disease.

Oral Cancer

Tobacco contains many carcinogens. When smokers smoke, the carcinogens will first come into contact with the mouth and throat. Long-term exposure and inhalation of harmful substances in cigarettes will cause oral lesions and increase the risk of oral cancer. According to a survey conducted by the Oral Cancer Foundation of America, smoking habit is the main cause of most oral cancer diagnoses.

Whether it is cigarettes, electronic cigarettes or shisha, they will seriously affect every organ in the body, including the mouth. For the sake of your body and oral health, please quit smoking as soon as possible.

1 Tonetti MS. Cigarette smoking and periodontal diseases: etiology and management of disease. Ann Periodontol. 1998 Jul;3(1):88-101. doi: 10.1902/annals.1998.3.1.88. PMID: 9722693.